Yoriko Omi OKAMOTO, Ph. D
Present Status: Professor
Department of Human Welfare and Child
Faculty of Social Welfare, Rissho University
1700 Magechi, Kumagaya, Saitama 360-0194,
Clinical Developmental Psychologist
Ph.D.(Psychology) in Tokyo
Metoropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan, September 2014. Dissertation title; Transition to Parenthood
from Pregnancy to Early Childhood: Developing parents through interaction with
their children.
Doctoral course, Tokyo Metropolitan
University, Tokyo, Japan, September 1998
MA in Psychology, Tokyo Metropolitan
University, Tokyo, Japan, March 1994
BA in Psychology, Osaka Prefecture
University, Osaka, Japan, March 1991
Academic Experience
Since April 2019 Professor, Department of Human Welfare and
Child Education, Faculty of Social Welfare, Rissho Uniersity,
Saitama, Japan
Saitama, Japan
April 2016-March 2019 Associate Professor, Department of Human Welfare
and Child Education, Faculty of Social Welfare, Rissho Uniersity,
Saitama, Japan
April 2009-March 2011 Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology,
University (Host
professor; Jaan Valsiner), MA, USA.
April 2007-March 2016 Associate Professor, Department of Early
Education and Care, Shohoku
College, Kanagawa,
April 2002-March 2007 Assistant Professor, Department of Early
Education and
Care, Shohoku College, Kanagawa,
October 1998-March 2002 Research Associate, Department of
Tokyo Metropolitan
University, Tokyo, Japan
Professional memberships/affiliations
Japanese Psychological Association
Japanese Association of Educational
Japanese Society of Developmental
Japanese Society of Personality
Japanese Association of Qualitative
Japan Society of Resarch and Practice
on Child-rearing (since 2011, Excective Director)
The Japan Association of Training
Schools for Nursery Teachers (since 2013, Spechilized Committee)
Editorial board
Japanese Journal of Developmental
Psychology (January 2015-January 2017; January 2006- January 2008)
Japanese Society of Research and
Practice on Child-rearing (April 2011- March 2016)
Y., Transition to Parenthood from Pregnancy to Early Childhood: Developing
parents through interaction with their children. Shin-yo-sha (Tokyo), 2016 (in
Y., Tsukada, M & Okamoto, Y. (eds) Development of Babies and Child-rearing
Learned from Episodes. Shin-yo-sha
(Tokyo), 2010 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y., & Sugano, Y. (eds.) Developmental
Psychology of Parents and Children: Essences of a Longitudinal
Investigation. Shin-yo-sha (Tokyo) ,
2008 (in Japanese)
Y., Sugano, Y. & Tsukada-Jo, M.(eds.) Developmental Psychology of Infants
and Children Learned from Episodes. Shin-yo-sha
(Tokyo) , 2004 (in Japanese)
Journal articles:
Okamoto, Y., International Preschool
Systems: A Visit Report of Day-care institutions in Denmark. Human Wel-Geing,
Jurnal of Faculty of Social Welfare Rissho University, (in press) (in Japanese)
Okamoto,Y., Sugano,Y., Shoji,R.,
Takahashi,C., Yagishita-Kawata,A., Aoki,A., Ishikawa,A., Kamei,M., Kawata,M.,
& Suda,O., The Function of Parental Proxy Talk in Pre-Verbal Communication.
Journal of Developmental Psychology, 25(1), 23-37. 2014 (in Japanese)
Okamoto,Y., Sugano,Y., Kawata,M.,
Kamei,M., Shoji,R., Yagishita-Kawata,A., Takahashi,C., Aoki,Y., &
Ishilawa,A., Parental Proxy Talk for pre-verbal infants in parent-infant
communication. Journal of Shohoku College, 35, 67-84. 2014 (in Japanese)
Okamoto,Y., Sugano,Y., Kawano,K., &
Takasaki,F., How does a postpartum mother choose her feeding style?: Analysis
of mothers’ diaries about their everyday feeding. Japanese Journal of Research
and Practice on Child Rearing, 4, 53-64. 2014 (in Japanese)
Terui,Y., Okamoto,Y., & Sugano,Y., The
Music Festival as an Independent Activity for Mothers’: How did Mothers Become
Independent from Parenting Support. Japanese Journal of Research and Practice
on Child Rearing, 4, 42-52. 2014 (in Japanese)
Okamoto,Y., Parent-child relationship
from parent's standpoint : Children who organize their stage of development. Research
in lifespan developmental psychology, 5, 41-51. 2010 (in Japanese)
Okamoto,Y., Sugano,Y., Shoji,R.,
Yagishita-Kawata,A., Aoki,Y., Ishikawa,A., Kamei,M., Kawata,M., &
Takahashi,C., Parents' Concerns for the Safety of Their Children : A
Longitudinal Study from the Prenatal Period through Early Elementary School. Japanese
Journal of Developmental Psychology, 21(4), 353-364, 2010 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y., The Interview as Open
Dialogue. Qualitative Psycholpgy Forum,1, 49-57. 2009 (in Japanese)
Sugano, Y. , Okamoto,
Y. , Aoki, Y., Ishikawa, A., Kamei, M., Kawata, M., Shoji, R., Takahashi, C.,
Yagishita-Kawata, A., Maternal Accounts
of Negative Feelings toward Their Children : A Longitudinal Study. Japanese
Journal of Developmental Psychology, 20(1), 74-85, 2009 (in Japanese)
Y., Sugano, Y., Shoji, R., Kamei, M., Yagishita, A., Takahashi, C., Aoki, Y.,
Kawata, M., Ishikawa, A., & Negayama, K. Fetal movement as physical touch
between fetus and mother: analysis of onomatopoeia which pregnant women used to
express their baby's movement. Journal of Shohoku College, 29, 29-41, 2008 (in
Y., Sugano, Y., & Negayama, K. Mother fetus interaction from the viewpoint
of the pregnant women's diaries about fetal movements. Japanese Journal of
Developmental Psychology, 14, 64-76, 2003 (in Japanese)
K., & Okamoto, Y. Coordination of
actions when feeding the elderly in a nursing home. Behavioral Science Research, 39(2), 7-20, 2001
(in Japanese)
Y. Maternal Proxy Talk in infant-mother communication—the situations and the forms
of the proxy talk for one-year-olds. Mother and child research, 21,46-55, 2001
(in Japanese)
Y., Okamoto, Y., & Kamei, M. Child-care situation in Ogasawara islands(1):
the child-care situation and network for parents. Annual Report of Ogasawara Research, 25,
1-14, 2001 (in Japanese).
M., Sugano, Y., & Okamoto, Y. Child-care situation in Ogasawara islands(2):
Their living environment and nature experience of preschoolers in
Ogasawara. Annual Report of Ogasawara
Research, 25, 15-26, 2001 (in Japanese).
Y. Maternal proxy talk for her infant in mother-infant communication: Classification
of maternal proxy talk for one-year-olds. Journal of social sciences and humanities
(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), 307, 73-94, 2000 (in Japanese)
& Okamoto, Y. Mother’s negative feeling toward her own child and transition
to motherhood. Journal of Family
Education Research Center, 22, 66-74, 2000 (in Japanese)
K., Okamoto, Y., Ura, C., & Yatomi, N. A study of feeding the elderly in a
nursing home and the conditions. Waseda studies in human sciences, 10(1),
75-86, 1997 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y., & Sugano, Y., Children’s speech(1): How do adults receive children’s speech?
Research(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), 6, 37-49, 1996 (in Japanese)
Sugano, Y., & Okamoto, Y., Children’s speech(2): Two viewpoints in adults7 receiving
children speech. Psychological Research(Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.), 6,
51-58, 1996 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. Maternal speech: Analysis of
individual difference on maternal proxy talk.
Journal of metropolitan Tokyo professional institution association,
184-191, 1995 (in Japanese)
Sugano, Y., Okamoto, Y., &
Negayama, K., Transition to motherhood during pregnancy: Narrative about fetal
movement. The abstract of The ⅩⅥth Meetings ISSBD, Beijing.2000 (in
Okamoto, Y., Sugano, Y., Kamei, M.,
Kawata, M., Takahashi, C., Aoki, Y., & Kawata, A. “Maternal proxy talk”: A mother says what her
baby wishes to say. The abstract of the ⅩⅦth meeting s ISSBD, Ottawa. 2002 (in
Sugano, Y., Okamoto, Y., Kawata, A.,
Kawata, M., Kamei, M., Aoki, Y., & Takahashi, C. Japanese mother’s negative feelings toward
their child and the transition to motherhood: A longitudinal study from birth
to one year later. The abstract of the ⅩⅦth meeting s ISSBD, Ottawa. 2002 (in
Okamoto, Y., Sugano, Y., Takahashi, C.,
Ishikawa, A., Kawata, M., Shoji, R., Aoki, Y., Yagishita, A., & Kamei,
M. "Maternal proxy
talk"(2): How and why does a mother
says with her baby’s voice? The abstract
of the ⅩⅨth
meeting s ISSBD, Melbourne. 2006 (in English)
Book chapters:
Okamoto, Y., Parental Proxy Talk in
Japanese Parents: How Does a Parent
Express Oneself through her/his Baby's Voices? In Dazzani, M.V., Marsico,
G., Bastos, A.C., and Ristum, M. (Eds). Looking at Inside and Outside the
Educational Contexts through Cultural Lens. Springer, pp.267-282, 2015. (in
Okamoto, Y., Rupture and Maintain of a
transition to motherhood. In Cabell,K., Marsico,G., Cornejo, C., & Valsiner,J.
(Eds). Annals of Cultural Psychology: Making Meaning, Making Motherhood. Information
Age Pilishing, pp.221-236, 2015. (in English)
Okamoto, Y., The Interview as Open
Dialogue. In Saito,S., Yamada,T., & Motoyama,Y. (eds) Practice as
interview. Shin-yo-sha(Tokyo), 2014. (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y., Rearing parents. In
Japanese Society of Developmental Psychology(ed) Dictionary of Developmental
Psychology. Maruzen-Shuppan(Tokyo), pp.164-185, 2013. (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y., Temperament and
Personality in Early Childhood. In Ninomiya, K., Ukiya, S., Horike, K., Ando, J.,
Fujita,S., Koshio,S., & Watanabe,Y. (eds) The Handbook of Personality
Psychology. Fukumura-Shuppan(Tokyo), 2013 pp.174-181.
Okamoto, Y., Early Childhood. In Ujiie,
T. & Takahama,Y. (eds) Life-span Psychology of Parent-child relationship.
Kazama-shobo(Tokyo), pp47-62, 2011. (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. Parenting stress and
Community support for childcare. In Hanta, S. (eds) Psychology for community
support for childcare. Shin-yo-sha (Tokyo), pp.130-140, 2009 (In Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. Prepare a research project.
In Y. Okamoto & Y. Sugano (eds.) Developmental Psychology of Parents and
Children: Essences of a Longitudinal Investigation. Shin-yo-sha (Tokyo), pp.2-27,
2008 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. How to visit research
participants home. In Y. Okamoto & Y. Sugano (eds.) Developmental
Psychology of Parents and Children: Essences of a Longitudinal Investigation.
Shin-yo-sha (Tokyo), pp.28-40, 2008 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. How to observe
parent-infant interaction. In Y. Okamoto & Y. Sugano (eds.) Developmental
Psychology of Parents and Children: Essences of a Longitudinal Investigation.
Shin-yo-sha (Tokyo), pp.41-51, 2008 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. Mother fetus interaction.
In Y.
Okamoto & Y. Sugano (eds.) Developmental Psychology of Parents and
Children: Essences of a Longitudinal Investigation. Shin-yo-sha (Tokyo), pp.95-106,
2008 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. Maternal proxy talk for her
infant. In Y. Okamoto & Y. Sugano (eds.) Developmental Psychology of
Parents and Children: Essences of a Longitudinal Investigation. Shin-yo-sha
(Tokyo), pp.134-146, 2008 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. Parents’ fear. In H. Okamoto & M. Kiriu (eds.) Keeping
your young children safe from crime. Kitaoji-shobo (Kyoto), pp.28-41, 2006 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. Possibilities on the Education
of Crime Prevention in Childhood. In H. Okamoto & M. Kiriu (eds.) Keeping
your Young Children Safe from Crime. Kitaoji-shobo (Kyoto), pp.60-70, 2006 (in Japanese)
Y. Concerning Field. In T. Ito, T. Tanaka, & M. Nochi (eds.) Understanding
by Moving, Thinking by Concerning. Nakanishiya-Shuppan (Kyoto), pp.49-64, 2005
(in Japanese)
Y. Fetal
Movement. In K. Negayama & K. Kawano (eds.) Question on Development from Body.
Shin-yo-sha (Tokyo), pp.156-158, 2003 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. Interaction
between Mother and Child. In Yamada, Y., et al.(eds.) A Catalog of Field Psychology. Kaneko-Shobo
(Tokyo), pp.12-19, 2001 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. Observing Mother-Child Interaction.
In Y. Omi & T.Ito(eds.) Fields of Field Study in Psychology. Kitaoji-Shobo
(Kyoto) pp.38-47, 2001 (in Japanese)
Okamoto, Y. Micro-Analysis. In N.
Tajima & Y. Nishino(eds.) Techniques of Developmental Research. Fukumura-Shuppan
(Tokyo), 2000 (in Japanese)